
Lesson 28 --New Year’s Eve Party

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第二十八課 跨年派對

◎ Dialogue Kelly: This is the best New Year’s Eve party ever! Lisa: Yes, it’s wonderful. But I think some people are leaving in a while. Kelly: Why? This is so much fun! Lisa: There is going to be a big fireworks display downtown. Kelly: Oh, that will be exciting. But can we stay here for the countdown to midnight? Lisa: Yes. That’s my favorite part of New Year’s Eve. ◎ 對話 凱莉:這真是最棒的跨年派對了! 麗莎:是啊,真是棒透了!不過,我想有些人等一下就要離開了。 凱莉:為什麼?派對很好玩耶! 麗莎:因為市中心會有盛大的煙火秀。 凱莉:嗯,那一定很精采。但我們可以待在這裡倒數嗎? 麗莎:可以啊!跨年我最愛的就是倒數了。 (資料提供:常春藤解析英語雜誌社)(點閱次數:640)